A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Hit Tennis Volley Perfectly

If you’re looking to take your tennis game to the next level, mastering the tennis volley is a must. A well-executed volley can put you in control of the point and give you an edge over your opponent. But what exactly is a tennis volley? In short, a volley is a shot that is hit before the ball bounces on the court. It’s a key component of playing at the net, and an essential skill for any tennis player.

In this article, we’ll provide you with detailed insights on how to hit tennis volley effectively. We’ll cover everything from the proper grip to the correct footwork, and give you tips on how to improve your technique. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player, this guide will help you take your volleying to the next level. So grab your racket and let’s get started!

Understanding the Basics

If you’re looking to improve your tennis game, mastering the volley is a must. The volley is a shot that is hit before the ball bounces on the court, and it requires a unique set of skills and techniques. In this section, we’ll cover the basics of hitting a tennis volley, including the hitting stance and grip techniques.

Hitting Stance

To hit a successful volley, it’s important to have a balanced and athletic stance. This means that your feet should be shoulder-width apart, and your body weight should be evenly distributed between your feet. Your knees should be slightly bent, and your body should be relaxed.

When it comes to the stance for forehand and backhand volleys, there are some differences. For forehand volleys, you should have your non-dominant foot forward, while for backhand volleys, you should have your dominant foot forward. This helps you to get into the right position to hit the ball.

In addition to foot positioning, it’s also important to think about weight distribution. As you prepare to hit the volley, you should shift your weight onto your front foot. This will help you to move forward and attack the ball.

Grip Techniques

Another key element of hitting a tennis volley is having the right grip. The most common grip for volleys is the Continental grip, which involves holding the racket with your index finger and thumb on the same side of the racket handle. This grip allows you to easily switch between forehand and backhand volleys without having to adjust your grip.

It’s important to note that the grip you choose can impact your control and power when hitting the ball. For example, a tighter grip may give you more power, but it can also make it harder to control the ball. On the other hand, a looser grip may give you more control, but it may also result in less power.

To find the right grip for your playing style, it’s important to experiment with different grips and see what works best for you. You may also want to consider working with a coach or trainer to get feedback on your technique and grip.

By understanding the basics of hitting a tennis volley, you’ll be on your way to improving your game and taking your skills to the next level. With the right hitting stance and grip techniques, you’ll be able to hit more accurate and powerful volleys, and become a more effective player on the court.

Key Techniques for a Successful Volley

If you’re looking to improve your volley in tennis, there are a few key techniques you need to master. In this section, we’ll cover the essential elements of a successful volley, from hand-eye coordination to net presence and anticipation.

Hand-Eye Coordination

One of the most important aspects of hitting a successful volley is tracking the ball early. This requires excellent hand-eye coordination, which can be improved with specific drills designed to enhance your volley skills. For example, you can practice catching a ball with one hand while standing close to the net, or use a reaction ball to improve your reflexes.

Volley Preparation

Proper racket positioning before the shot is crucial for hitting a clean and accurate volley. You should hold the racket head up and in front of you, with the non-dominant hand supporting the handle. The split step is also an essential part of volley preparation, allowing you to move quickly and efficiently towards the ball.

Executing the Volley

There are two types of volley shots: the forehand volley and the backhand volley. Each requires a slightly different technique, but both involve using the correct grip and racquet face to control the ball.

Forehand Volley

To execute a powerful and controlled forehand volley, start with a continental grip and position yourself close to the net in a ready position. As the ball approaches, step forward with your non-dominant foot and swing the racquet head towards the ball, keeping your wrist firm and your elbow close to your body. Avoid common mistakes such as hitting the ball too hard or too high, and practice drills such as the two-up, two-back drill to improve your technique.

Backhand Volley

The backhand volley requires a different grip than the forehand, known as the Eastern backhand grip. To hit a successful backhand volley, position yourself with your non-dominant shoulder facing the net and your racquet head up and in front of you. As the ball approaches, step forward with your non-dominant foot and swing the racquet head towards the ball, keeping your wrist firm and your elbow close to your body. Drills such as the one-up, one-back drill can help you improve your backhand volley skills.

Net Presence and Anticipation

Positioning yourself correctly at the net is essential for taking advantage of volley opportunities. You should aim to stand just inside the service line, with your body facing the net and your racquet head up and in front of you. Anticipating your opponent’s shots and reading the ball’s trajectory is also crucial for successful net play. Stay proactive by moving towards the ball and taking advantage of any openings in your opponent’s game.

Advanced Tips and Strategies

Mastering the Overhead Volley

When you’re playing tennis, you’ll often find yourself at the net, and high balls can be a challenge to handle. To master the overhead volley, you need to develop good technique and practice regularly. Here are some tips to help you improve:

  • Footwork is key: Position yourself under the ball and take a few steps back before jumping up to hit the overhead. This will give you the necessary height and momentum to hit a strong shot.
  • Use your non-dominant hand: When you’re preparing to hit the overhead, use your non-dominant hand to help guide your racket into position. This will help you generate more power and control.
  • Practice with a partner: Have a partner hit high balls to you so you can practice your overhead volley technique. You can also use a ball machine to simulate different types of shots.

Dealing with Spin

Spin can be a tricky thing to handle when it comes to volleys. Here are some tips to help you adjust your technique based on the spin of the incoming ball:

  • Topspin volleys: When you’re dealing with a topspin volley, try to get under the ball and hit it with a high-to-low swing. This will help you generate topspin of your own and keep the ball in play.
  • Backspin volleys: For backspin volleys, use a low-to-high swing to lift the ball over the net. This will help you generate your own topspin and keep the ball in play.

To practice your volleys against different spin types, try these drills:

  • Spin control drill: Have a partner hit volleys to you with different types of spin. Your goal is to return the ball with the same spin.
  • Lob shot drill: Have a partner hit a lob shot to you, and practice hitting an overhead smash to finish the point.

Remember, the key to mastering your tennis volleys is to practice regularly and focus on good technique. With these tips and drills, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a skilled volley player in doubles tennis.

Mental Aspects of Volleying

When it comes to volleying in tennis, it’s not just about physical skill. The mental aspects of the game are just as important. In this section, we’ll discuss the importance of maintaining focus and building confidence to improve your volleying skills.

Maintaining Focus

Maintaining focus during volleys is crucial to success. It’s easy to get distracted or lose concentration, especially in doubles matches where there are more players on the court. To stay focused, try these techniques:

  • Breathe deeply and slowly before each volley to calm your nerves and clear your mind.
  • Focus on the ball and its trajectory, ignoring any distractions around you.
  • Use positive self-talk to keep yourself motivated and focused.
  • Practice visualization exercises to enhance your mental clarity and focus.

Confidence Building

Building confidence is essential to improving your volleying skills. Here are some techniques to help you build confidence:

  • Practice and repetition are key to building confidence. The more you practice, the more comfortable you’ll feel on the court.
  • Use positive reinforcement to encourage yourself after each successful volley.
  • Set realistic goals for yourself and celebrate when you achieve them.
  • Focus on your strengths and build on them to improve your overall game.


Congratulations! You have learned how to hit tennis volley a successful tennis volley. Remember, the volley in tennis is a shot that is hit before the ball bounces on the court. It’s an excellent way to take control of the point and put pressure on your opponent.

To recap, the continental grip is the best grip to use for volleys. It allows you to easily switch between a forehand and backhand shot without having to adjust the grip. When hitting a volley, focus on keeping your wrist firm and your racket head up. This will help you hit the ball cleanly and accurately.

It’s important to practice your volleys regularly to improve your technique and become more comfortable at the net. Incorporate these techniques into your gameplay and you’ll be winning more points in no time.

Remember, hitting a successful tennis volley takes time and practice. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see immediate results. Keep at it, and you’ll soon be hitting volleys like a pro!


Frequently Asked Questions about Tennis Volleys:

1. What type of grip should I use for volleys?

The most common grip for volleys is the Continental grip, which provides a balance of control and maneuverability. For backhand volleys, you can use a slightly modified Eastern Backhand grip for added stability.

2. Where should I stand on the court when volleying?

You should stand slightly in front of the baseline to allow for quick reaction time and to hit the ball at its peak height for better control.

3. How should I move when volleying?

Take small, quick steps and avoid lunging or overextending yourself. Maintain a balanced stance throughout the volley.

4. How should I swing my racket when volleying?

Keep your swing short and compact. Focus on hitting the ball in front of your body. Use a “punching” motion with your arm instead of a full swing. Keep your wrist stable at contact.

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